Parramatta 2035: Vibrant, Sustainable, Global

B. M. (Bevil Milton) Glover, Rae Dufty-Jones, Rhonda Itaoui, Andy Marks, Tegan L. Bergan, Lisa Perrone

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This Review, prepared at the request of the NSW Premier, tests the proposition that Greater Parramatta can become a ‘global city’ by 2035. Parramatta, in the past five years, has been the focus of intensive and accelerated urban regeneration. Equally, it has been the recent beneficiary of substantial public infrastructure investments. Ensuring these positive developments work to the city’s benefit, particularly against liveability and sustainability benchmarks is an emphasis of the Review. The city’s elevation into a ‘global’ cohort is conditional on the preservation and enhancement of these attributes, particularly in fundamental areas like housing affordability, cultural expression, and connectivity. Recognising the investment and talent attraction properties of these elements is a vitally important and, ideally, distinctive element of Parramatta’s current and future character. The Review identifies four priorities where government should now focus its efforts for this region over the next decade: 1. Greater Parramatta needs a Strategic Plan and better cross-government cooperation and investment in the region; 2. The development of the Greater Parramatta region needs to balance the goals of liveability and growth and better manage the unequal impacts of change; 3. Greater Parramatta’s economic future needs to be secured through preserving and investing in the region’s industrial and urban services land; and, 4. Sustainability needs to be a priority to ensure Greater Parramatta’s successful transformation into a resilient global city-region. The Review concludes that Parramatta will become a ‘global’ city, and notes that the real question is one of what type of global city it chooses to become. The Review makes twelve recommendations framed thematically across three priorities: 1. Strategic Planning and Governance; 2. Planning and Infrastructure Priorities; and, 3. Liveability and Sustainability.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages74
ISBN (Print)9781741085440
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

© 2022 Centre for Western Sydney, Western Sydney University. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0) ( licenses/by/4.0/), except for any third-party material as noted below.


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