Participation in physical activity and sport in adolescent girls from Middle Eastern backgrounds

Nariman Dennaoui, Gregory S. Kolt, Justin M. Guagliano, Emma S. George

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: This study investigated the barriers and facilitators to physical activity and sport participation among adolescent girls from Middle Eastern backgrounds. These factors were explored through the perspectives of both adolescent girls and parents of adolescent girls, living in Australia. Design: A qualitative study design was used to understand perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity and sport in adolescent girls. Participants were 18 adolescent girls and 9 parents of adolescent girls, all of Middle Eastern backgrounds, living in Western Sydney, Australia. Data were collected through five focus groups and four one-on-one interviews, separated for girls and parents. Data were analysed using an inductive approach and thematic analysis. Results: Three main themes (family, social support, religion and culture) and nine subthemes were identified. The main facilitators for physical activity and sport included the values and presence of an active family role model, religion to encourage lifelong physical activity skills, and promotion of physical activity from peers, school, and social media. The predominant barriers to physical activity and sport included established cultural norms and traditional gender roles, which were often influenced by religion and culture, and extended time using technology. Conclusion: The findings of the current study show the complex relationships between family, religion, and culture when promoting physical and sport participation. Such factors highlight the need to develop culturally tailored physical activity interventions that consider the perceived barriers and facilitators for adolescent girls' participation from Middle Eastern backgrounds.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)756-773
Number of pages18
JournalEthnicity and Health
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Open Access - Access Right Statement

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