Patient experiences of training and transition to home haemodialysis : a mixed-methods study

Camilla S. Hanson, Jeremy R. Chapman, Jonathan C. Craig, David C. Harris, Lukas K. Kairaitis, Maryann Nicdao, Mary Mikaheal, Allison Tong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aim: This study aims to describe patients' perspectives on the transition to home haemodialysis. Methods: Up to three sequential semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 patients during the transition to home haemodialysis at an Australian renal unit. Transcripts were analysed thematically. Participants completed a satisfaction questionnaire after commencing home haemodialysis. Results: We identified six themes: persevering despite trepidations (diminishing intimidation of machinery, acquiescing to fatal risks, reconciling fears of cannulation, dispelling concerns of neglect and tolerating necessary concessions); optimizing the learning pathway (practising problem solving, learning from mistakes, grasping technical complexity, minimizing cognitive overload and progressing at own pace); developing confidence (believing in own abilities, adapting to independence, depending on caregiver partnership and faith in crisis support); interrupted transition momentum (lacking individual attention, language barriers, installation delays, interfering illness and complications and acclimatizing to new conditions); noticing immediate gains (reclaiming lifestyle normality, satisfying self-sufficiency, personalizing treatment regime and thriving in a positive environment); and depleting resources and energy (exhaustion with gruelling routine, confronting medicalization of the home, draining financial reserves and imposing family burden). Fewer than 30% of respondents indicated low satisfaction with staff availability domains, staff interpersonal domains or technical domains. Conclusion: Home haemodialysis training fosters confidence in patients; however, many patients experience stress because of medical isolation, treatment responsibilities, family impositions and financial difficulties. Addressing patient's on-going psychosocial concerns may alleviate burdens on patients and their families during the transition to home haemodialysis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)631-641
Number of pages11
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Open Access - Access Right Statement

This version of the article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions:


  • adjustment (psychology)
  • mixed methods research
  • patient education


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