Peer support facilitator and peer perspectives of an inner-regional Australian diabetes prevention and self-management peer support program

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Peer support programmes have been shown to facilitate diabetes prevention and improvements in diabetes self-management. Worldwide, few studies have qualitatively evaluated peer support programs in inner-regional (semi-rural) areas, and none involving mixtures of people with and without diabetes. This study researched an inner-regional peer support programme underway over 2 years in Australia. Fifteen participants, including ten peers and five peer support facilitators (PSFs) were interviewed using semi-structured focus group and one-to-one interviews with the aim of understanding their perceptions and experiences of the programme, barriers, and ways of overcoming barriers. Participants were those with and without diabetes. The main themes identified were; benefits of the programme, factors affecting recruitment and retention, challenges and barriers to programme participation, PSF reflections on peer support training, and recommendations to improve the programme. Participants identified increased knowledge of diet, diabetes and complications as key benefits, with greater social support and well-being the main reasons for initial participation. The main challenges for the programme were the lack of wide community engagement before setting up the peer groups, difficulty with peer recruitment and personal difficulties in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The peer support programme was well received within an inner-regional area and was perceived as useful in providing support and motivation to make lifestyle behavioural changes from shared experiences with peers. Whilst considered beneficial to those with and without diabetes, ways of overcoming identified challenges are required.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e4051-e4064
Number of pages14
JournalHealth and Social Care in the Community
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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