Perceiving older adults producing clear and Lombard speech

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[We investigated the perceptual salience of clear and Lombard speech adaptations by older adults (OA) communicating to a younger partner in a diapix task. The aim was to determine whether these two speech styles are perceptually distinct (for auditory and visual speech). The communication setting involved either the younger partner only in babble noise (BAB_partner) or both talkers in babble noise (BAB_both). In the control condition (NORM), both talkers heard normally. To determine how perceptible OA adaptions to these noise conditions were, short (1-4 s) auditory only and visual only recordings of the OA talking to their partner were presented in two perception experiments. In Experiment 1, half of the OA stimuli were from the BAB_partner and half from the NORM condition; and participants were asked to judge whether the older adult was taking to a person who could hear them well or to someone who has trouble hearing them. In Experiment 2 participants decided between NORM and BAB_both stimuli. Participants did both sound-only and visual-only versions. Results showed both adaptations were perceived better than chance; the BAB_both condition was discriminated better from NORM than the BAB_partner one, and auditory judgements were better than visual ones (although these were correlated).]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCrossroads of Speech and Language: Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2019, 15-19 September 2019, Graz, Austria
PublisherInternational Speech Communication Association
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventINTERSPEECH (Conference) -
Duration: 15 Sept 2019 → …

Publication series

ISSN (Print)1990-9772


ConferenceINTERSPEECH (Conference)
Period15/09/19 → …


  • Lombard speech
  • auditory perception
  • older people
  • semantic prosody
  • speech
  • visual perception


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