Physical health and psychological wellbeing : measurement and research

Carissa J. Martinez, Andrew J. Martin, Martin Dowson

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


    ![CDATA[This paper addresses critical issues concerning the measurement of physical health and psychological wellbeing, in the context of health-related quality of life research. The paper reviews current research in the fields of physical health and psychological wellbeing, noting that while the literature in these fields is vast, the instrumentation used to measure central constructs relating to physical health and psychological wellbeing does not typically enable an adequate, holistic assessment of health-related quality of life. This paper explores the utility of the World Health Organisation Quality of Life (WHOQoL) instrument as a measure of physical and psychological health, and presents some recent research using the WHOQoL. Future directions for research using the WHOQoL instrument are also addressed.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFourth International Biennial SELF Research Conference. Ann Arbor, US, 23rd - 26th July, 2006. Proceedings: Self-concept, Motivation, Social and Personal Identity for the 21st century
    PublisherUniversity of Western Sydney, SELF Research Centre
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)1741081483
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    EventInternational Biennial SELF Research Conference -
    Duration: 13 Jan 2009 → …


    ConferenceInternational Biennial SELF Research Conference
    Period13/01/09 → …


    • quality of life
    • health
    • physical health
    • psychological wellbeing
    • research


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