Post column derivatization using reaction flow high performance liquid chromatography columns (Protocol)

Andrew Jones, Sercan Pravadali-Cekic, Stanley Hua, Danijela Kocic, Michelle Camenzuli, Gary Dennis, Andrew Shalliker

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9 Citations (Scopus)


A protocol for the use of reaction flow high performance liquid chromatography columns for methods employing post column derivatization (PCD) is presented. A major difficulty in adapting PCD to modern HPLC systems and columns is the need for large volume reaction coils that enable reagent mixing and then the derivatization reaction to take place. This large post column dead volume leads to band broadening, which results in a loss of observed separation efficiency and indeed detection in sensitivity. In reaction flow post column derivatization (RF-PCD) the derivatization reagent(s) are pumped against the flow of mobile phase into either one or two of the outer ports of the reaction flow column where it is mixed with column effluent inside a frit housed within the column end fitting. This technique allows for more efficient mixing of the column effluent and derivatization reagent(s) meaning that the volume of the reaction loops can be minimized or even eliminated altogether. It has been found that RF-PCD methods perform better than conventional PCD methods in terms of observed separation efficiency and signal to noise ratio. A further advantage of RF-PCD techniques is the ability to monitor effluent coming from the central port in its underivatized state. RF-PCD has currently been trialed on a relatively small range of post column reactions, however, there is currently no reason to suggest that RF-PCD could not be adapted to any existing one or two component (as long as both reagents are added at the same time) post column derivatization reaction.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere53462
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Visualized Experiments
Issue number110
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • amino acids
  • antioxidants
  • derivatization
  • high performance liquid chromatography
  • phenols


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