Postbuckling of pressure-loaded nanotube-reinforced composite doubly curved panels resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments

Hui-Shen Shen, Y. Xiang

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    27 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper presents an investigation on the postbuckling behavior of doubly curved nanocomposite panels reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) subjected to lateral pressure. The functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composites (FG-CNTRCs) are assumed to have CNTs linearly graded in the thickness direction. The overall mechanical properties of the FG-CNTRCs, which include the thermal effect of CNTs and the matrix, are estimated through a micromechanical model. The panels may rest on elastic foundations. The governing differential equations for the doubly curved panels are based on a higher order shear deformation shell theory with von Kármán strain-displacement relationships and the panel-foundation interaction. The initial deflections caused by lateral pressure and thermal bending stresses are both taken into account. The governing equations are further deduced to a boundary layer type problem that includes nonlinear prebuckling deformations and initial geometric imperfections of the panels which are subsequently solved using a two-step perturbation approach. The influences of CNT volume fraction, temperature variation, panel geometric parameters, as well as foundation stiffness on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC doubly curved panels are investigated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)225-234
    Number of pages10
    JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • buckling (mechanics)
    • deformations (mechanics)
    • nanocomposites (materials)
    • thermal postbuckling


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