Practice vignettes examining the competencies of rehabilitation nursing : Domain 1 : the rehabilitative approach

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This vignette of practice is a clinical case study to demonstrate the application of the ARNA Competency Standard Domain 1: The Rehabilitative Approach, for the purpose of introducing readers to the applied use of ARNA Rehabilitation Competency Standards for Registered Nurses (2023) to enhance their understanding of the competency standards in action. This vignette has been based on real-life clinical practice as observed by the first author, an experienced clinician and educator. All situational context has been changed, and general information only has been presented with an emphasis on the nurse’s practice and the patient’s responsiveness to the approach. No patient details have been included, injury level has been changed, and fictional names are used only. No specific patient information that would require consent has been used.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-15
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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