Practitioner Research in Early Childhood: International Issues and Perspectives

Linda Newman, Christine Woodrow

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


The idea for this book arose from our ongoing experiences as academic partners in a range of practitioner research initiatives in diverse early childhood contexts in Australia and Chile. These experiences have provided us with a growing conviction that the practitioner research paradigm is characterised by a powerful set of methodologies for growing pedagogical leadership and supporting sustainable change and that its potential is under-appreciated, undervalued and underutilised, especially in early childhood situations. Our objectives in bringing together a range of research stories – told from different perspectives in contexts as diverse as South Africa, Chile, Australia and Sweden – are to demonstrate the methodologies in action, raise significant and sometimes contested issues related to their implementation – for example, issues of voice and power, the nature of partnership – and to resource and inspire practitioners, service providers, policy-makers, funders and academics to incorporate these approaches in their repertoire of resources for supporting leadership development, strengthening pedagogical practices and promoting the quality of early childhood practice.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationU.K.
Number of pages139
ISBN (Print)9781446295342
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Australia
  • Chile
  • early childhood education


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