Pragmatism, persistence and patience : a user perspective on strategies for data collection using popular online social networks

Judy Mannix, Lesley Wilkes, John Daly

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The increasing pervasiveness of the internet and social networking globally presentsnew opportunities and challenges for empirical social science researchers including those innursing. Developments in computer-mediated communication are not static and there is poten-tial for further advances and innovation in research methods embracing this technology. Theaim of this paper is to present a reflexive account and critique of the use of social media as ameans of data collection in a study that sought to explore the aesthetics of clinical leadershipin contemporary nursing. In doing so, comparisons are drawn from using Twitter, Facebook ande-learning announcements as methods of recruitment and subsequent data collection via anonline survey. The pragmatics of the internet and online social networks as vehicles for datacollection are discussed. While questions remain about best practice to safeguard the scientificintegrity of these approaches and the researchers and research participants who choose to par-ticipate, the potential exists for researchers to enhance and expand research methods withoutcompromising rigour and validity. In the interests of sharpening thinking about this means ofdata collection dialogue and debate are needed on a range of research aspects including butnot limited to pragmatics, new requirements in research training and development, legal andethical guidelines and strengths and limitations encountered.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)127-133
    Number of pages7
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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