Prevalence of medical conditions and medication usage : implications for oral health among older adults in rural Victoria

R. Marino, K. Glenister, L. Bourke, David Simmons

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Featured Application: Oral health-related general health diseases and conditions refers to medical conditions or diseases that have a connection or impact on both oral health and overall health. (1) Background: A study was undertaken to provide a comprehensive profile of the prevalence and distribution, by selected socio-demographic characteristics, of chronic diseases and health conditions including those that impact the oral health and oral health self-care of independently living older adults in rural areas of the state of Victoria; (2) Methods: The study analyzed data from the Crossroads-II project, with a total of 1407 participants aged 55 years and older. Participants responded to questionnaires about their medical health history, health service use, and socio-demographics. In total, 572 attended a 2-h health screening that included an assessment of prescribed medications; (3) Results: Most participants were female (55.3%), with a mean age of 69.1 (SD = 9.2) years. Participants had a high prevalence of medical conditions; the most common were high blood pressure, arthritis, high lipids, hearing loss, and chronic pain. Almost all participants reported taking medications, with an average of 4.3 medications per person. Among those who attended the health screening, 78.1% were taking medications that could cause xerostomia (dry mouth); (4) Conclusions: This study provides initial information on the prevalence of medical conditions, medication usage, and the potential impact on the oral health of older adults living in rural Victoria. This information would be valuable for healthcare and dental workforce planning, policy development, and improving the overall well-being of this population.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7270
Number of pages11
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024

Open Access - Access Right Statement

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