Quality of institutions and foreign direct investment

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


    ![CDATA[In this paper we study the effect of quality of institutions in the OECD and Asian host countries on outward foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks of source OECD countries using International Country Risk Guide governance indicators, for the period 1991 to 2001. We find that better institutions in the host countries have an overall positive and significant effect on source countries outward FDI stocks. The strength and impartiality of the legal system, popular observance of law, strength and quality of bureaucracy and government stability in host countries' have direct effect on source countries outward FDI stocks. Interestingly, trade changes sign and losses significance in two stage least squares regressions compared to theoretical expectation. Furthermore skill proxied by labour abundance in source countries relative to host countries appears to be insignificant in determining source countries' outward FDI stock.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Third International Business Research Conference: World Business Institute, 20-22 November, Melbourne, Australia, 2006
    PublisherWorld Business Institute
    Number of pages13
    ISBN (Electronic)9780646467597
    ISBN (Print)064646759X
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    EventInternational Business Research Conference -
    Duration: 19 Nov 2012 → …


    ConferenceInternational Business Research Conference
    Period19/11/12 → …


    • investments, foreign
    • Asia
    • OECD countries
    • corporate governance
    • institutions
    • quality


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