Quality teaching rounds in mathematics teacher education

Elena Prieto, Peter Howley, Kathryn Holmes, Judy-anne Osborn, Malcolm Roberts, Andrew Kepert

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The purpose of the study reported in this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of an implementation of teaching rounds as a practice-based approach to pre-service teacher education in mathematics. The teaching rounds implemented in the study utilised the New South Wales Quality Teaching model pedagogical framework as a tool for learning about and reflecting on teaching practices. The evaluation was conducted through a mixed methods approach using a combination of surveys and analysis of student assessment tasks. The major findings of the study are that preservice teachers found practice-based experience and the subsequent reflections using teaching rounds very valuable compared to other learning experiences. We also found that pre-service teachers undertaking a Masters teaching degree were significantly more insightful about planning for and reflecting upon teaching practice than those undertaking an undergraduate degree. We believe these two facts have implications not only at our institution but also at a global level for policy makers in other institutions providing pre-service education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)98-110
Number of pages13
JournalMathematics Teacher Education and Development
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • teaching
  • evaluation
  • student teachers
  • mathematics teacher education
  • professional learning communities
  • New South Wales


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