Quasars and radio galaxies

Ragbir Bhathal

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    Richard Hunstead is one of thirty-three Australian Science Citation Laureates whose papers have been most frequently cited by other scientists around the world. His discovery of variability in radio sources of low frequencies generated a large number of related research projects internationally. He also conducted a seminal study of the evolution of the so-called Lyman alpha absorption forest in distant quasars in the mid-1980s, pioneering observations of quasar absorption lines at high spectral resolution and measurement of the heavy-element enrichment of galaxies at high redshift. He has been leading an international team to find the first massive galaxies to form. This study will provide insights into the formation of galaxies in the early universe.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)57-61
    Number of pages5
    JournalRoyal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Australia
    • Hunstead, Richard
    • astronomers
    • astronomy
    • quasars
    • radio galaxies
    • radio sources (astronomy)


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