
Alperhan Babacan, Rachael Jacobs, Alanna Kamp, Yin Paradies, Anton Piyarathne, Caroline Wang, Karen Zwi, Lisa Woodland, Vicki Hutton

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


![CDATA[In 1992, Stan Grant, one of Australia’s most well-known and influential TV journalists, interviewed Shawn Slater, a US leader of the Ku Klux Klan on Channel 7’s Real Life current affairs news programme. During the interview, Mr. Slater voiced his opinions on the natural division of the human races, opinions that are rooted in “old racist” ideas of blood purity and a belief in a hierarchy of humans. According to such ideas, at the top of the human hierarchy is the more civilised, moral, intelligent, pure [read: “White1”] race. At the bottom are all the other inferior races—those that are considered morally and intellectually inept, savage and maintaining physical remnants of human’s ape-ish evolutionary past [read: “coloured” races]. The disparate races of humans should be kept separate as interbreeding contaminates the “pure” White race and sets human evolution on a backwards path. The White race should be left to thrive and conquer, while the inferior coloured races should be held at the mercy of Whites—to be exploited in mind, body and spirit. It is the understanding of people who hold such beliefs, such as Mr. Slater, that this is the natural order of things as the “survival of the fittest”2 ensures only the best of humanity survives.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMulticultural Responsiveness in Counselling and Psychology: Working with Australian Population
EditorsVicki Hutton, Susan Sisko
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Number of pages52
ISBN (Electronic)9783030554279
ISBN (Print)9783030554262
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • human beings
  • racism
  • Aboriginal Australians


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