Reel English? : putting students in the 'frame' in the teaching of film

Mark Howie, Andrew Burn, Cal Durrant

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    ![CDATA[Can 'English' cope in a post-industrial world which has radically extended the range of literacy practices young people engage in on a daily basis? This provocative question, asked by Julian Sefton-Green and Helen Nixon (2003) some years ago now, emphasises the tensions being created for subject English by the dynamic role of popular culture in young people's lives. Beyond its emphasis on an evolving understanding of literacy in and for this new century, the question posed by Sefton-Green and Nixon particularly draws attention to the central role popular culture plays in (adolescent) identity formation, the central historical concern of English (Peel, 2000).]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMedia Teaching : Language, Audience and Production
    Place of PublicationKent Town, S. Aust
    PublisherWakefield Press
    Number of pages26
    ISBN (Print)9781862548077
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • english language
    • literature
    • study and teaching (secondary)
    • motion pictures
    • mass media


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