Research literacy in police organizations : a luxury that we can afford

Margaret Mitchell, Christine Jennett

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    ![CDATA[In this chapter we will consider the place of research, and the ubiquitous “evidence based” approaches in the day-to-day work of police managers and administrators. In doing so we will examine the working culture of police organizations, and ways that research and evidence-based approaches can be incorporated. We will also describe the influences, both ideological and practical, that have emerged over the last two decades and have led to greater dependence on research in contemporary policing practice and policy.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHandbook of Police Administration
    EditorsJim (James M.) Ruiz, Donald C. (Donald Charles) Hummer
    Place of PublicationU.S.A
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Print)9781574445596
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • research
    • evidence-based practice
    • police administration


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