Research on Youth Exposure to, and Management of, Cyberbullying Incidents in Australia. Part C: An Evidence-Based Assessment of Deterrents to Youth Cyberbullying

Barbara Spears, Carmel Taddeo, Teresa Swirski, Matthew Keeley, Ilan Katz, Philippa Collin, Tony Daly, Shona Bates

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This is the third report of a three-part series researching the youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia, commissioned by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of Communications. The objective of this part of the research was to provide an evidence-based assessment to determine if a new, simplified cyberbullying offence or a new civil enforcement regime were introduced, how such an offence or regime could be implemented, in conjunction with the existing criminal offences, to have the greatest material deterrent effect. This research draws from a wide range of domestic and international peer reviewed and grey literature, a Youth Crowdsourcing survey; a Principal Teacher Parent Survey; interviews, workshops and focus groups with professionals and policy makers; and an industry expert roundtable. The research provides an evidence-base through young people and stakeholder perspectives in consideration of the proposed response options.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney, N.S.W.
PublisherUniversity of New South Wales
Number of pages39
ISBN (Print)9781925218022
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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