Respecting rights

Linda Briskman, María Jesús Úriz Pemán

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


This book takes as its starting point real life cases featuring ethical problems in the areas of: negotiating roles and boundaries, respecting rights, being fair, challenging and developing organisations and working with policy and politics. Each case opens with a brief introduction, is followed by two commentaries and ends with questions for reflection. The commentaries, written by authors from different countries, refer to relevant theories, concepts, practical matters, alternative courses of action and their implications. Chapter 3: Respecting rights. Introduction: Linda Briskman and María Jesús Úriz Pemán; Case 3.1: Issues of choice and coercion: working in a psychiatric hospital in the USA; Case 3.2: The reluctant vegan: the case of an older man in a Swedish care home; Case 3.3: Social work in Vietnam: a Dutch student’s perspective; Case 3.4: Ethical issues in international social work research: a case from India.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPractising Social Work Ethics Around the World: Cases and Commentaries
EditorsSarah Banks, Kirsten Nøhr
Place of PublicationU.K.
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9780203807293
ISBN (Print)9780415560313
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • social workers
  • professional ethics
  • case studies


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