Results of a new outline-based method for the differentiation of conodont taxa in: Contributions to the Second Australian conodont Symposium (AUSCOS II) held in conjunction with Palaeontology DownUnder - 2000 in Orange, Australia, 3-7 July 2000

Terrence R. Sloan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This study compares the established method of equal arc segmentation (KLAPPER & FOSTER 1996, 1993) with an equal angle segmentation of the conodont outline. The use of a plotted points measurement with equal arc segmentation overcomes the disadvantages of previous methods, which are over-sensitive to qualitative point positioning and do not reflect growth patterns with point detemination. The method is able to repeat KLAPPER & FOSTER'S results and has proved reliable in determining statistically significant differences between the conodont taxa studied. Through a comparison of sinistral and dextral elements, the data collected were also able to show quantitatively the different symmetry types in conodont element pairs proposed by LANE (1968). The differences observed in sinistral and dextral forms may also point toward handedness in conodonts. The statistically significant collections of conodont species examined in this study included: Amydrotaxis corniculans, Amydrotaxis druceana, Amydrotaxis johnsoni alpha, Amydrotaxis johnsoni beta, Ozarkodina buchanensis, Ozarkudina linearis, Ozarkudina pandora alpha, Ozarkudina prolata, Ozarkodina pseudomiae, Ozarkodina remscheidensis remscheidensis, Ozarkodina remscheidensis repetitor, Pandorinellina exigua exigua, Pandorinellina exigua philipi, Pandorinellina optima, Pandorinellina palethorpei, and Pandorinellina steinhornensis miae.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages17
    JournalCourier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • conodont
    • shape analysis
    • taxonomy
    • morphometrics


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