Revisiting the early childhood-health dyad : implications for policy and practice of health promotion in early childhood

Jacqueline D. Hayden

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This article stresses the need to revisit the early childhood-health partnership in relation to childcare services. The author reviews contrasting notions of sickness and health and shows how social determinants have become significant predictors of long-term health and wellbeing for children and families. Building on this, the health promotion movement of WHO has stressed the importance of partnerships and community cohesion for sustained health outcomes. A research project conducted in New South Wales, Australia provides an example for reconstructed early childhood service delivery which incorporates these broad health goals. Implications for policy are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages14
    Publication statusPublished - 2002


    • Child care services
    • Early childhood education
    • Australia
    • Health promotion
    • Social aspects


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