Rewriting place in English

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    The place pedagogies in English that I describe in this chapter respond to the gaps I found when I first went looking for texts I might use in my classes. They reflect my own continuing commitment in my writing and in my teaching to exploring how place and subjectivities in place might be explored in language. They reflect the importance of story in the making of place and relations to place. They are also shaped by my knowledge that the places where I have lived have seeped into my body, my imagination and my sense of myself. The particularities of place differ more than can be captured by broad abstract categories such as “western Sydney”, or “north Queensland”. Places differ in their detail whether they are separated by half a continent or just a suburb or two, and it is a necessary project for English teachers and their students to begin to unpack the discursive baggage that comes with particular places.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPlace Pedagogy Change
    EditorsMargaret Somerville, Bronwyn Davies, Kerith Power, Susanne Gannon, Phoenix De Carteret
    Place of PublicationThe Netherlands
    PublisherSense Publishers
    Number of pages14
    ISBN (Print)9789460916137
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • English language
    • writing
    • place (philosophy)
    • pedagogy


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