Schema therapy for eating disorders : future directions

Evelyn Smith, Susan Simpson

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


![CDATA[Preliminary research suggests early maladaptive schemas (EMS) and schema processes play a key role in eating disorder (ED) pathology, indicating a focus on surface level cognitions alone may be insufficient when treating EDs (Gongora, Derkson, & van der Staak, 2004; Hughes, Hamill, van Gerko, Lockwood & Waller, 2006). Although some aspects of the schema model have been investigated, our understanding of the schema mode concept and the interaction between early childhood and adolescent experiences, EMS, schema processes, and ED pathology are at an early stage of development. Further investigations of the schema model are required to build our understanding of the mechanisms for the development and maintenance of ED pathology, thereby highlighting key areas for intervention. Moreover, larger scale trials of both individual and group schema therapy are urgently required, in order to ascertain the effectiveness of this treatment model for those with eating disorders.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSchema Therapy for Eating Disorders: Theory and Practice for Individual and Group Settings
EditorsSusan Simpson, Evelyn Smith
Place of PublicationU.K.
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9780429295713
ISBN (Print)9780367272395
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • eating disorders
  • schema-focused cognitive therapy


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