Screen Theorizing Today: A Celebration of Screen’s Fiftieth Anniversary edited by Annette Kuhn

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    It is difficult to overstate the impact the British journal Screen has had on the discipline of film and television studies. For the past 50 years, the journal has consistently been at the centre of debates around how we watch, why we watch, and what all this watching actually means. Moreover, when it came to film theorising, Screen for a very long time set the agenda. Today the journal’s back catalogue reads like a rollcall of canonical, game-changing texts (1), and the most (in)famous fruit of this labour, so-called “1970s Screen Theory” – that curious mélange of Althusserian Marxism and Lacanian psychoanalysis (with just a dash of feminist theory) – remains an equally decisive and divisive point in film theory, marking either the height of activist political engagement with cinema and contemporary culture more broadly, or the nadir of rational film theorising, depending on your vantage point.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    JournalSenses of Cinema
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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