Second Language Speech: Theory and Practice

Laura Colantoni, Jeffrey Steele, Paola Escudero

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


Second language acquisition has rapidly grown as a field over the past decade, as our knowledge of the ways in which children and adults learn and use a second language has become crucial for effective language teaching. In addition to this important 'applied' function, research into second language acquisition has also informed the fields of linguistics and psychology in general, as it has shed light on the differences between native and non-native models of human language and cognition. The focus of this accessible new book is second language speech -that is, how speakers perceive, process, understand and pronounce the sounds of a second language. Each chapter includes review questions, and most chapters include 'tutorial' and 'lab' sections with practical exercises based on the University of Toronto Romance Phonetics Database (available online for free). The book also has a companion website, containing illustrated answers to the exercises, scripts for running acoustic analyses and useful weblinks.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationU.K.
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages428
ISBN (Print)9781107018341
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

© Laura Colantoni, Jeffrey Steele and Paola Escudero 2015


  • cognition
  • phonology
  • second language acquisition
  • speech perception


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