Seismic evaluation of an 8-storey FRP retrofitted RC frame

A. Eslami, H. R. Ronagh, A. Dalalbashi

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


![CDATA[The results of a numerical investigation pertaining to retrofit an 8-storey intermediate RC frame using carbon fiber reinforced polymer are presented. Considering the fact that beam-column joints are often accounted as one of the most critical components of RC structures in terms of local and global performance, the strengthening design strategy focuses on the relocation of plastic-prone regions away from the column faces more towards the beams. In order to pursue this strategy, composite sheets are applied at the top and bottom sides of the plastic hinge regions of beams. The additional flexural stiffness generated by the composite sheets is calculated comparing the moment-rotation of the FRP retrofitted and the original joints obtained from the finite element analysis. Pushover results of the retrofitted frame indicate that a strengthening strategy which follows the strong column-weak beam design philosophy, could improve the seismic performance and load carrying capacity of the frame significantly.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 24-28 September 2012, Lisbon, Portugal
PublisherInternational Association for Earthquake Engineering
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering -
Duration: 24 Sept 2012 → …


ConferenceWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Period24/09/12 → …


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