SEM and EBSD studies of ion implanted stainless steel

J. Davis, K. Short, R. Wuhrer, M. R. Phillips, G. R. Lumpkin, K. R. Whittle

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


    ![CDATA[Research is currently in progress to determine the effect ion irradiation at varying energy and fluence has on the microstructure of several grades of stainless steel. Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PI3) and the Small Tandem for Applied Research (STAR) accelerator have been employed in this research to simulate some of the effects from a neutron irradiation environment using helium ions. The overall aim of the research is to eventually investigate other unique materials that have applications in both GenIV and fusion reactor programs and the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI), e.g., inert matrix fuels, reactor core liners, and structural materials within the reactor (ODS materials). The main focus of this work will be to study the microstructure and understand grainboundary interactions, and how they relate to the tolerance of materials to damage.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationConference proceedings : APMC10, 10th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference, ICONN2012, 2012 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ACMM22, 22nd Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis : Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, 5-9 February 2012
    PublisherAustralian Nanotechnology Network
    Number of pages2
    ISBN (Print)9781740522458
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventAsia-Pacific Microscopy Conference -
    Duration: 5 Feb 2012 → …


    ConferenceAsia-Pacific Microscopy Conference
    Period5/02/12 → …


    • stainless steel
    • irradiation
    • helium ions


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