Shifting the Balance: Cultural Diversity in Leadership Within the Australian Arts, Screen and Creative Sectors

Lena Nahlous, Jackie Bailey, James Arvanitakis

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Diversity Arts Australia (DARTS) undertook research in February 2018 to investigate levels of representation of culturally and/or linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians in leadership positions within the country’s major arts, screen and cultural organisations.This report examines the cultural backgrounds of 1,980 Board chairs and members, chief executive officers, creative directors, senior executives and award panel judges from 200 major cultural organisations, government bodies and award panels. These organisations represent the nation’s leading arts, screen, creative and heritage organisations and awards from the not-for-profit, government and for-profit sectors. The findings demonstrate there is a significant under-representation of CALD people in leadership and decision-making roles in every area of the creative sector. This report highlights the need for more measures to be taken and the need for further research and capacity-building programs to address this under-representation.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationParramatta, N.S.W.
PublisherDiversity Arts Australia
Commissioning bodyARC
Number of pages56
ISBN (Print)9780648390114
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • arts
  • communities


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