Small hive beetle, Aethina tumida, populations II : dispersal of small hive beetles

Sebastian Spiewok, Michael Duncan, Robert Spooner-Hart, Jeffery S. Pettis, Peter Neumann

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    64 Citations (Scopus)


    Small hive beetles (= SHB), Aethina tumida, are parasites and scavengers of honeybee colonies and actively disperse for host finding. We investigated the re-infestation levels of SHB-free colonies within ten infested apiaries in South Africa, Australia and the USA. Re-infestation of 95% of the colonies indicates a high SHB exchange between colonies. Colony position and queen status had no influence on colony infestation levels. Spread into apiaries was determined at twelve SHB-free apiaries. While apiaries in Maryland remained un-infested, those in Australia showed high infestation numbers. Apiary density, SHB population levels and ongoing SHB mass reproduction seem to govern SHB infestation of newly installed apiaries. Those located in forested habitats showed higher infestation levels possibly due to the presence of wild/feral colonies. The results elucidate factors influencing SHB dispersal and the role of human-mediated spread, enabling improved control of SHB.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Aethina tumida
    • Apis mellifera
    • beehives
    • dispersal
    • honeybee
    • small hive beetles


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