Socio-cultural issues and body image

Helen Mavoa, Shiriki Kumanyika, Andre Renzaho

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight is disproportionate in some ethnic groups. Drawing on data from three separate countries, we focus on three populations that have high or similar levels of obesity relative to other ethnic groups in the same countries to discuss relationships between socio - cultural factors, other environmental components and childhood obesity. We refer to: (1) indigenous Fijians (Fijians), who constitute the majority of the population in Fiji; (2) African Americans, who have resided in the United States of America for generations and remain a minority ethnic group; and (3) Africans, who have recently migrated to Australia and constitute a fast - growing minority ethnic group. We focus on: - how socio - cultural factors underpin body - size preferences and eating and physical activity (activity) patterns - examining socio - cultural factors in a wider context, including the physical environment and historical, social, economic and political factors - the conceptualisation and integration of socio - cultural factors into research and contextually - relevant programs that reduce childhood obesity by encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPreventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence Policy and Practice
    EditorsElizabeth Waters, Boyd A. Swinburn, Jacob C. Seidell, Ricardo Uauy
    Place of PublicationU.K.
    Number of pages9
    ISBN (Electronic)9781444318517
    ISBN (Print)9781405158893
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • Fijians
    • ethnicity
    • minorities
    • obesity in children


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