Stories of Care at End-of-life: Listening to Aboriginal and Culturally Diverse Communities in Western Sydney

Joy Paton, Helen Psychogios, Rosemary Leonard

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Stories of Care is the culmination of a unique collaboration between researchers and photovoice participants in a multi-method research initiative investigating the end-of-life needs of culturally diverse people living in Western Sydney. The research was undertaken by the Western Sydney University Caring at End-of-Life Research Program in collaboration with Western Sydney Local Health District. Using a COVID-adapted photovoice method, we worked with participants from the Aboriginal community and from Arabic, Mandarin and Hindi speaking backgrounds who had cared for someone at end-of-life. We asked them what they found helpful and supportive in their caring journey. This uncovered stories about what works (and doesn't) in the service system and wider community to support culturally diverse people and their families at end-of life. Stories of Care showcases participants' photographs and narratives, giving voice and visibility to their experiences and needs. Their participation has contributed to our deeper appreciation of the relationships, values and practices that can sustain and be significant for people at end-of life; in turn, showing service providers what is needed for delivery of culturally appropriate and safe end-of-life care.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages76
ISBN (Print)9781741085594
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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