Straight from the heart : adults with intellectual disabilities give voice to a poverty of sex education

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


![CDATA[The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how adults with mild intellectual disabilities live out their social-sexual lives. Adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) are often assumed to be asexual or incapable of having sexual lives, resulting in a paucity of research-based knowledge. Research and educational efforts with this population have focused largely on basic sexuality education and abuse prevention, defaulting to safety over the possibilities of human connectedness. This case study, informed by heuristic inquiry and guided by an emancipatory research paradigm, was an investigation of self-reported views, values, and desires of five adults with mild intellectual disabilities regarding relationships, romance, and sexuality. Data sources included observations and a series of interviews, which gave participants the chance to give voice to their social-sexual experiences. Data were analyzed utilizing both deductive and inductive coding along with narrative analysis. Results indicated that adults with ID value a life filled with relational passion and connectedness. They desire rich, pleasure-driven social-sexual experiences beyond the typical abuse prevention focus of disability services. Case studies of the five participants are based on their individual perceptions and experiences. Cross-case findings are presented on the poverty of sex education discussed by participants. This study offers a more psychologically and socially-aware perspective in an effort to dispel mainstream society’s stereotypical portrayal of disability and sexuality.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings from the 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 21‐24, 2013
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventWorld Association for Sexual Health. Congress -
Duration: 1 Jan 2013 → …


ConferenceWorld Association for Sexual Health. Congress
Period1/01/13 → …


  • people with mental disabilities
  • sex instruction


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