Surface pressure measurements of human tears and individual tear film components indicate that proteins are major contributors to the surface pressure

Sophia Tragoulias, Philip J. Anderton, Gary R. Dennis, Fausto Miano, Thomas Millar

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    Purpose: Tear film stability has been associated with a low surface tension (high surface pressure), which has been attributed to a variety of tear film components. In this study, we examined the contribution of various tear proteins, mucin, and meibomian lipids to the surface pressure of human tears. Methods: A Langmuir trough was used to measure and compare the surface activities of albumin, lipocalin, [beta]-lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, lysozyme, secretory IgA, mucin, meibomian lipid, and tears. Results: All proteins exhibited surface activity. The surface pressure-area ([PI]-A) profiles of most protein films at equilibrium surface pressure ([PI]eq) were sigmoidal and showed hysteresis between the expansion and compression phases of the cycle. [PI]eq of most proteins took 4-9 hours to occur. By contrast, the [PI]-A profiles for meibomian lipid films were hyperbolic rather than sigmoidal and had little hysteresis, and [PI]eq was attained within 1 hour. The [PI]-A profiles of mucin films showed mostly hyperbolic characteristics with small hysteresis. The [PI]-A profiles of films of tears were sigmoidal, showed strong hysteresis, and reached [PI]eq at about 5 hours. Partitioning of the proteins and whole tears into the subphase also occurred. Conclusion: Comparison between the dynamic [PI]-A profiles of tears and those of individual tear film components shows that tear film proteins not only are capable of surface activity but also are major contributors to the surface activity of the tear film.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • lacrimal apparatus
    • lipids
    • lysozyme
    • mucins
    • proteins
    • tears


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