Survival of co-encapsulated complementary probiotics and prebiotics in yoghurt

Kavya Anjani, Chandra Iyer, Kasipathy Kailasapathy

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    23 Citations (Scopus)


    Complementary prebiotics for probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus CSCC 2409 and Bifidobacterium infantis CSCC 1912 were selected by in vitro fermentation, and the efficacy of the prebiotics was tested by co-encapsulation with probiotic bacteria to improve survival in yoghurt. Raftilose for L. acidophilus CSCC 2409 (P<0.05) and raftilose, and raftiline and starch for B. infantis CSCC 1912 (P>0.05) were selected from in vitro fermentation studies. Yoghurts were prepared by incorporating probiotic cultures co-encapsulated with raftilose and stored for 6 weeks. Free cells of L. acidophilus CSCC 2409 and B. infantis 1912 showed a 3-log reduction in numbers in yoghurts at the end of the 6 week storage period. In contrast, L. acidophilus CSCC 2409 and B. infantis 1912 co-encapsulated with raftilose showed only 1-log reduction in numbers in yoghurts at the end of the 6 week storage period. This study demonstrates the potential protective effect of prebiotics such as raftilose in enhancing the survival of probiotic bacteria in yoghurt.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMilchwissenschaft: Milk Science International
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


    • Bifidobacterium infantis
    • Lactobacillus acidophilus
    • fermentation
    • prebiotics
    • probiotics
    • yoghurt


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