Synergistic effect of graphene and carbon nanotube on lap shear strength and electrical conductivity of epoxy adhesives

Sensen Han, Qingshi Meng, Xiao Pan, Tianqing Liu, Shuocheng Zhang, Yingbo Wang, Salah Haridy, Sherif Araby

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

64 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, synergy between graphene platelets (GnPs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in improving lap shear strength and electrical conductivity of epoxy composite adhesives is demonstrated. Adding two-dimensional GnPs with one-dimensional CNTs into epoxy matrix helped to form global three-dimensional network of both GnPs and CNTs, which provide large contact surface area between the fillers and the matrix. This has been evidenced by comparing the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of epoxy/GnP, epoxy/CNT, and epoxy/GnP-CNT composites. Scanning electron microscopic images of lap shear fracture surfaces of the composite adhesives showed that GnP-CNT hybrid nanofillers demonstrated better interaction to the epoxy matrix than individual GnP and CNT. The lap shear strength of epoxy/GnP-CNT composite adhesive was 89% higher than that of the neat epoxy adhesive, compared with only 44 and 30% increase in the case of epoxy/GnP and epoxy/CNT composite adhesives, respectively. Electrical percolation threshold of epoxy/GnP-CNT composite adhesive is recorded at 0.41 vol %, which is lower than epoxy/GnP composite adhesive (0.58 vol %) and epoxy/CNT composite adhesive (0.53 vol %), respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Article number48056
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Applied Polymer Science
Issue number42
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • carbon nanotubes
  • corrosion resistant materials
  • epoxy compounds
  • graphene
  • synergetics


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