Talking End of Life with People with Intellectual Disability Website

Michele Wiese, Roger Stancliffe, Sarah Wagstaff, Jennifer Tieman, Gail Jeltes, Josephine Clayton

Research output: Creative WorksTextual Works


Death is a part of life. Too often death is a taboo in our society, and people avoid talking about or planning for it. This taboo is even more obvious when people with intellectual disability are part of these conversations. People with intellectual disability should learn about dying and death just as they learn about every other aspect of life. Teaching about the end of life is hard though. Talking End of Life ...with people with intellectual disability (TEL) website shows you how to teach people with intellectual disability about the end of life. TEL is designed for disability support workers but is also helpful for others including families, health professionals, and educators.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • death
  • people with mental disabilities


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