Taronga Zoo Visitor Experience Study 2016

Timothy J. Hall, Daniela Spanjaard, Aila M. Khan

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Data collection was carried out from 6 August -11 August 2016. From this, there were 267 Observations made, 230 exhibit and 90 exit surveys completed giving a total sample size of 587. As part of the exit survey analysis, a summary comparison was made to the results presented in the 2014 report. In general, there was consistency between the two despite the difference in sample size. Key points to note include: Most visitors spent more than 5 mins at the designated exhibits, with the Reptiles being the most popular during the week of data collection. Just over a third (37%) spent more than 10 mins at each exhibit. There was positive feedback about the quality of the zoo exhibits, grounds and staff. Recall on the exhibits’ conservation message was mixed, with approximately 31% being aware that environmental actions were provided as part of the exhibit. Family groups with adults were more likely to pay attention to these conservation messages. The sample was fairly non-committal in making changes to their consumption habits to help the environment. This may be most likely due to lack of awareness/recall rather than ignorance about the conservation messages. Observational data, not surprisingly, showed a high interaction with the animals. Visitors who included children in the group were noted to be far more involved in the zoo exhibits. The Zoo continues to have a slightly younger visitor profile (<45ys), for a third this was their first visit, whilst for another third they had last visited more than 2 years go. Those who had visited more recently were largely influenced by the decision of others to be there. The quality of staff, their interactions with visitors and the Zoo grounds continue to be a strength for the organisaton. Food and beverages rate lower in satisfaction, with those most recently visiting the zoo being more critical than those who visited more than 12 months ago. Families with children consider the Zoo to be the better value for money. The weather was the most influential aspect in terms of visiting the Zoo. This was followed closely by the presence of children. Other Australian zoos are likely to be visited by the sample, more specifically Dubbo, Melbourne and Adelaide Zoo.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages34
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Taronga Zoo (N.S.W.)


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