Teacher-delivery of the Westmead Feelings Program : emotion-based learning for children with autism spectrum disorder with and without co-occurring mild intellectual disability in primary schools

Michelle Wong, Belinda Ratcliffe, Stella Li

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[Social-emotional delays are core deficits for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Interventions that teach emotional competence skills may enhance wellbeing and prevent mental health problems in children with ASD. The Westmead Feelings Program (WFP): Emotion-based Learning for Children with ASD and Mild Intellectual Disability (ID) (WFP1) and without ID (WFP2) aims to develop emotional competence and prevent mental health problems in these students. This pilot study aimed to explore teacher satisfaction and confidence in delivering the WFP to children with ASD, and child engagement and emotions skill acquisition. Participants were 20 primary schoolaged children with ASD and their four teachers from two mainstream schools. Three teachers were trained as WFP 1 facilitators, and one teacher trained as a WFP2 facilitator and all delivered WFP to children. Semi-structured teacher interviews were used to collect data. Results indicated high levels of satisfaction with WFP concepts, strategies, materials and program structure. All teachers were extremely confident in delivering interventions to develop emotion skills in children with ASD following WFP training and delivery. WFP was rated as being extremely engaging for children with ASD/ID, and the acquisition of new emotion skills for children was described.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2018 Australian Association of Special Education National Conference: Creating Connections: Developing Personal and Social Apabilities, 8-10 July 2018, Cairns, Queensland
PublisherAustralian Association of Special Education
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventAustralian Association of Special Education. National Conference -
Duration: 8 Jul 2018 → …


ConferenceAustralian Association of Special Education. National Conference
Period8/07/18 → …


  • autistic children
  • people with mental disabilities
  • emotions and cognition


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