Technology adoption : breaking down barriers using a virtual reality design support tool for hybrid concrete

Jack Goulding, Martin Sexton, Xiaonan Zhang, Mike Kagioglou, Ghassan F. Aouad, Peter Barrett

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The use of hybrid concrete technologies as a viable solution to traditional frame design has been inhibited by a general lack of information. The uptake of this technology has therefore been slow and parochial, as designers have tended to stay loyal to 'traditional', tried and tested technologies - their 'comfort zone'. This research identifies the barriers associated with technology adoption at industry, organization and individual levels; and uses hybrid concrete as the core context for discussion. The role of an enabling design support tool (HyCon) is presented, which can allow designers to overcome these inhibitors by providing an immersive, interactive and information-rich environment through which design solutions can be explored. This collaborative research project describes a 'proof of concept' design support tool to promote the use of hybrid concrete in structural frames. It encompasses knowledge creation, application and sharing functionality, to envision support and use of this new technology - thereby promoting organizational learning. Research findings note that, while design tools have a valuable role to play, it is also important to appreciate that the uptake of any new technology is a social phenomenon, and that subsequent adoption/uptake requires careful embedding and augmentation into company organizational systems in order to leverage advantage.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1239-1250
Number of pages12
JournalConstruction Management and Economics
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • cement composites
  • composite materials
  • decision making
  • design


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