The 1.4-GHz cosmic star formation history at z < 1.3

J. E. Upjohn, M. J. I. Brown, A. M. Hopkins, N. J. Bonne

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4 Citations (Scopus)


We measure the cosmic star formation history out to z = 1.3 using a sample of 918 radio-selected star-forming galaxies within the 2-deg 2 COSMOS field. To increase our sample size, we combine 1.4-GHz flux densities from the VLA-COSMOS catalogue with flux densities measured from the VLA-COSMOS radio continuum image at the positions of I &lt; 26.5 galaxies, enabling us to detect 1.4-GHz sources as faint as 40 μJy. We find that radio measurements of the cosmic star formation history are highly dependent on sample completeness and models used to extrapolate the faint end of the radio luminosity function. For our preferred model of the luminosity function, we find the star formation rate density increases from 0.017 M ™ yr -1 Mpc -3 at z 0.225 to 0.092 M ™ yr - Mpc - at z 1.1, which agrees to within 40% of recent UV, IR and 3-GHz measurements of the cosmic star formation history.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere012
Number of pages5
JournalPublications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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