The 2 µm spectrum of the auroral emission in the polar regions of Jupiter

L. Kedziora-Chudczer, D. V. Cotton, D. J. Kedziora, J. Bailey

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5 Citations (Scopus)


We report observations of the high (R ∼ 18000) and medium (R ∼ 5900) resolution, near-infrared spectra of Jupiter's polar regions with the GNIRS instrument at the Gemini North telescope. The observations correspond to the area of main auroral oval in the South and the main spot of the Io footprint in the North. We detected and assigned 18 emission lines of the H3+ 2ν2 → 0 overtone band in the region from 4800 to 4980 cm−1 and 5 additional lines in the extended low-resolution spectrum. We use our new modelling scheme, ATMOF to remove telluric absorption bands of CO2 that feature strongly in the 2 µm region. The H2 1-0 S(1), S(2) and S(3) emission lines are also detected in the observed spectral region. We found the rotational temperature and column density of H3+ emission at the peak intensity for both northern and southern auroral regions to be the same within the measurement errors (Trot ∼ 950K and N(H3+) ∼ 4.5× 1016 m−2). The estimates of Trot from H2 are consistent within much higher uncertainties with temperatures derived from H3+ emissions. We derived the profiles of the H3+ emissivity and ion density for both auroral regions providing the first such measurement for the emission associated with the main spot of the Io footprint. We also found a number of weaker lines in the high-resolution spectra that could be associated with emission from high excitation levels in neutral iron, which could be deposited in Jupiter's atmosphere as a result of meteor ablation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)156-171
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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