The affective domain and mathematics education

Gregor Lomas, Peter Grootenboer, Catherine Attard

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    Tltis is the third chapter on affective issues to appear in MERGA reviews of research in mathematics education and as such reflects the ongoing importance of affective issues to the mathematics education research community. The frrst two chapters (Grootenboer, Lomas, & Ingram, 2008; Schuck & Grootenboer, 2004) noted a continuing move away from studies on attitudes to projects on beliefs and the consideration of a broader range of affective aspects. In the current review period, 2008-2011, there is a lessening focus on beliefs, a growing focus on identity, and an even spread of studies on other affective aspects.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationResearch in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2008-20011
    EditorsBob Perry, Tom Lowrie, Tracy Logan, Amy MacDonald, Jane Greenlees
    Place of PublicationThe Netherlands
    Number of pages16
    ISBN (Print)9789460919688
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • identity
    • self-efficacy
    • beliefs
    • attitudes
    • anxiety
    • motivation
    • methodological approaches


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