The beyond bullying secondary program : an innovative program empowering teachers to counteract bullying in schools

Roberto H. Parada, Rhonda Craven, Herbert W. Marsh, Dennis M. McInerney

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    ![CDATA[As with other damaging behaviors, prevention for aggression and violence should begin as early as possible. Bullying has been suggested as an early indicator of a group of risk behaviors that contribute to the development of antisocial and/or aggressive behavior patterns in late adolescence and adulthood (Olweus, 1991). The Beyond Bullying Secondary Program is an entirely new bullying management and prevention program. It has been developed at the University of Western Sydney, Australia, based on recent advances in self-concept and behavior management theory. This novel antibullying program takes a multimodal approach that stresses empowering (a) teachers in specific techniques to enhance self-concept, (b) students to understand what bullying is and how to address school bullying; and (c) parents to assist the school in addressing bullying. A comprehensive evaluation process demonstrated that the Beyond Bullying Program significantly reduces bullying and victimization rates while also having a positive impact on other desirable outcomes. The present chapter summarizes the evaluation results while paying particular attention to the teacher-centered strategies developed to assist secondary teachers in identifying, managing, and preventing bullying in their school. Teacher training has usually been minimal in previous school bullying intervention attempts, thus making the Beyond Bullying Program a significant practical enhancement over existing interventions.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSelf-Processes, Learning, and Enabling Human Potential : Dynamic New Approaches
    Place of PublicationU.S.A
    PublisherInformation Age Publishing
    Number of pages54
    ISBN (Print)9781593119041
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • bullying in schools
    • prevention
    • high schools
    • Beyond Bullying Program
    • classroom management


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