The calm before the storm : historic bloc formation from Hawke to Howard

Joe Collins, Drew Cottle

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


    ![CDATA[A Gramscian theoretical model is well equipped to examine the underlying structural causes of the current global economic crisis in the Australian context. The peculiarities of Australian capitalism implore the use of a framework which entails a focus upon class alliances that cohere around a hegemonic situation. This paper will utilise such a model to address issues pertaining to the underlying causes of the present conjuncture. It is argued that a hegemonic situation existed during the Howard years which facilitated the necessary preconditions for a capital accumulation crisis. The mechanisms of control which operated this hegemonic situation are situated within the broader dynamic of neoliberalism. The structural aspects of this hegemony are identified as pertaining to the ascendancy of finance capital during a period of economic restructuring which predominantly took place under traditionally social democratic governments. Why the Australian Labor Party (ALP) adopted policies which accorded with an initiative from the right will also form a part of this examination. This paper will suggest that this shift in ideological persuasion from the ALP is indicative of the particular historic bloc which was forming during this transitional period from the Keynesian post-war epoch to the neoliberal era. Essentially, the paper presents a critical analysis of a period in Australian history which up until now has been heralded as the new ‘golden age’ of capitalism.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAustralian Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2009: Politics of the Global Crisis: 27-30 September 2009, Sydney, N.S.W.
    PublisherMacquarie University
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventAustralian Political Studies Association Annual Conference -
    Duration: 27 Sept 2009 → …


    ConferenceAustralian Political Studies Association Annual Conference
    Period27/09/09 → …


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