The Counting On numeracy program

Allan Leslie White

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


    ![CDATA[The Counting On program began in NSW in 1999 and was designed with a twin focus. The first was to support the professional learning of teachers in identifying and addressing the learning needs of students in the middle years who have difficulties with the early mathematical concepts and skills. The second was to improve the mathematical outcomes of these students. It has a strong theoretical and research base and has undergone major changes which have been evaluated, most recently in 2007 and 2008. This paper will outline the program, and examine the gains in teacher professional learning and student learning outcomes.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMathematics: It's Mine: Proceedings of the 22nd Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc., 13-16 July 2009, Freemantle, Western Australia
    PublisherAustralian Association of Mathematics Teachers
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Print)9781875900664
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventAustralian Association of Mathematics Teachers. Conference -
    Duration: 10 Jul 2013 → …


    ConferenceAustralian Association of Mathematics Teachers. Conference
    Period10/07/13 → …


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