The evolution of the ISIS’ language : a quantitative analysis of the language of the first year of Dabiq magazine

Matteo Vergani, Ana-Maria Bliuc

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this article we investigate the evolution of ISIS by analysing the text contained in Dabiq, the official ISIS’ internet magazine in English. Specifically, we used a computerized text analysis program LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) to investigate the evolution of the language of the first 11 Issues of Dabiq. First, our analysis showed that affiliation seems to be an increasingly important psychological motive for the group. Secondly, ISIS has been increasingly using emotions, which are an important mobilizing factor in collective action literature, in a strategic manner. Thirdly, ISIS language presents an increasing concern with females. Last but not least, our analysis shows that ISIS has been increasingly using internet jargon (net-speak), which shows how the group tries to adapt itself to the internet environment and to connect with the identities of young individuals.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7-20
Number of pages14
JournalSicurezza , Terrorismo e Società = Security , Terrorism and Society
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • IS (Organization)
  • analysis
  • magazines


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