The experience of digital objects : toward a speculative entropology

Ned Rossiter, Soenke Zehle

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Instead of attending the wedding of the cybernetic avant-garde with hippie modernism, society at large has decided to celebrate a sober solutionism whose sole aim is to capture and contain the contingency of expression. Uncertainty is circumscribed by risk analysis, prediction has been accorded the status of a core cultural technique. Weakened by the evolutionary violence of automation and a withdrawal from the social encouraged in a new literature of decline, labour is facing extinction as a model of subjectivity and self-determination. And unlike the movements of micropolitics in search of a shared self in spaces of appearance, the political economy of the algorithmic machine is sustained by an asignifying semiotics no longer even concerned with the constitution of publics.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalSpheres: Journal for Digital Cultures
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • culture
  • technology and civilization


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