The fate of fertilizer nitrogen in a high nitrate accumulated agricultural soil

Zhi Quan, Bin Huang, Caiyan Lu, Yi Shi, Xin Chen, Haiyang Zhang, Yunting Fang

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43 Citations (Scopus)


Well-acclimatized nitrifiers in high-nitrate agricultural soils can quickly nitrify NH4 + into NO3 - subject to leaching and denitrifying loss. A 120-day incubation experiment was conducted using a greenhouse soil to explore the fates of applied fertilizer N entering into seven soil N pools and to examine if green manure (as ryegrass) co-application can increase immobilization of the applied N into relatively stable N pools and thereby reduce NO3 - accumulation and loss. We found that 87-92% of the applied 15N-labelled NH4 + was rapidly recovered as NO3 - since day 3 and only 2-4% as microbial biomass and soil organic matter (SOM), while ryegrass co-application significantly decreased its recovery as NO3 - but enhanced its recovery as SOM (17%) at the end of incubation. The trade-off relationship between 15N recoveries in microbial biomass and SOM indicated that ryegrass co-application stabilized newly immobilized N via initial microbial uptake and later breakdown. Nevertheless, ryegrass application didn't decrease soil total NO3 - accumulation due to its own decay. Our results suggest that green manure co-application can increase immobilization of applied N into stable organic N via microbial turnover, but the quantity and quality of green manure should be well considered to reduce N release from itself.
Original languageEnglish
Article number21539
Number of pages9
JournalScientific Reports
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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  • agriculture
  • fertilizers
  • greenhouses
  • nitrogen
  • soils


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