The FBTEE Revolution : mapping the Ancien Regime book trade and the future of historical bibliometric research

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


I first began to question prevailing orthodoxies of eighteenth-century book history during my sojorns in Hell. For the uninitiated, Hell (Enfer) was the reading room of the old Bibliotheque nationale de France where scholars consulted banned books. It was there that I first encountered the rare pornographic libelles that luminaries of a previous generation of scholars had suggested ‘desacratized’ or fatally undermined the Ancien Regime monarchy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDigitizing Enlightenment: Digital Humanities and the Transformation of Eighteenth-Century Studies
EditorsSimon Burrows, Glenn Roe
Place of PublicationU.K.
PublisherLiverpool University Press
Number of pages28
ISBN (Print)9781789621945
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • digital humanities
  • book industries and trade
  • bibliometrics
  • databses


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